12.4.5 Styles
A style object contains a set of expressions specifying values for inherited characteristics.
[181] style-expression = (style keyword-argument-list)
Evaluates to an object of type style. The following keywords are allowed in the keyword-argument-list:

•  A keyword that is the name of an inherited characteristic and specifies the value of that characteristic for the style (unless overridden) as described in section 12.4.6, Characteristic Specification.

•  A keyword force!c: where c is the name of an inherited characteristic that specifies the value of that characteristic for the style and prevents overriding of that value as described in section 12.4.6, Characteristic Specification.

•  use: specifying another style whose characteristics are to be added to this style as described in section 12.4.6, Characteristic Specification.


A style-expression is interpreted in a similar manner to a make-expression with an atomic flow object class that has only inherited characteristics.
(style? obj)
Returns #t if obj is of type style, and otherwise returns #f.
(merge-style style )
Returns a style object constructed by merging style, . The expression for a characteristic in the returned style object is the expression for that characteristic in the first of the argument style objects that contains an expression for that characteristic.